• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Snapchat Announced New AR and ML Tools

May 7, 2024

Snapchat has unveiled new augmented reality (AR) and machine learning (ML) tools aimed at businesses and users alike. The announcement was made during the 2024 IAB NewFronts event, where Snapchat showcased its latest innovations to enhance advertising capabilities and user engagement on the platform.

One of the key highlights is the introduction of AR Extensions, a feature that allows advertisers to seamlessly integrate AR Lenses and Filters directly into various ad formats, including Dynamic Product Ads, Snap Ads, Collection Ads, Commercials, and Spotlight Ads. With AR Extensions, advertisers can now showcase their products and intellectual property through immersive augmented reality experiences embedded within their ads.

Furthermore, Snapchat unveiled the ML Face Effects tool, which enables brands to create custom-produced AR ads using Generative AI technology. This innovative feature empowers brands to quickly generate unique machine learning models and apply realistic face effects to their AR Lenses, enhancing user engagement and brand interaction.

Additionally, Snapchat announced a new feature that will allow users to edit sent messages—a functionality that has become increasingly popular among messaging apps. However, users will need to be Snapchat+ subscribers to access this feature, and they will have a five-minute window to edit a sent message before it becomes permanent. Once the recipient has read the message or the editing time has elapsed, the message cannot be modified further.

The integration of ML and AI technology into Snapchat’s AR tools marks a significant advancement in digital advertising and user experience. By leveraging machine learning capabilities, Snapchat aims to streamline AR asset creation, reduce production time, and deliver more immersive and engaging experiences for both businesses and users.

Moreover, the convergence of AR and ML opens up endless possibilities for creating personalized and interactive content. From tracking and understanding the 3D world to providing real-time translations and personalized product recommendations, ML-powered AR apps have the potential to revolutionize how users engage with digital content.

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